08 Feb, 2023

What is the 50/40/10 Rule Budget and how to start?

The 50/40/10 rule is a simple, yet effective method for managing your money and making the most of your income. It involves dividing your income into three categories: necessities, savings, and wants, with: This approach to budgeting is designed to help you prioritize your spending, ensure you have enough money to cover the things you […]

Difference between stockholder and shareholder
15 Jan, 2023

Stockholder VS Shareholder: What is the difference?

Shareholder VS Stockholder: Introduction I am not sure if you have noticed it but this blog name is: stockholder.me. I won’t go into the details about why I picked this name but when I did my research for a good one, I found this word very uncommon and I was really wondering if it refers […]