Category: Value investing

wheel options strategy

The Wheel Options Strategy: A Complete Guide

What is the Wheel Options Strategy? The Wheel Options Strategy in investing is a combination of two options strategies – covered calls and cash-secured puts – that can help investors generate income, potentially increase returns, and manage risk. This strategy is suitable for investors who have a long-term investment horizon and are looking for ways […]

What is an AI Powered Equity ETF?

All You Need to Know About AI Powered Equity ETFs

What is an AI Powered Equity ETF? An AI Powered Equity ETF is a type of ETF that uses Artificial Intelligence algorithms to make investment decisions. Unlike traditional ETFs, which track a specific index or investment strategy, AI Powered ETFs adjust their portfolios in real-time based on market conditions, company financials, and other data inputs. […]

Socially Responsible Investing Definition

Definition of Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) and Examples

Socially responsible investing (SRI) is a type of investment strategy that takes into consideration both financial return and social and environmental impact. It aims to make a positive impact on the world while generating financial returns for investors. Socially Responsible Investing, a simple definition SRI is a form of investment that considers the impact of […]

Are ETFs better than stocks

Are ETFs Really Better Than Stocks?

As a financial blog writer, it’s important to note that the answer to the question “Are ETFs better than stocks?” ultimately depends on the individual investor’s goals. In short: Are ETFs better than stocks? In short, there is no better option than the other. Owning ETFs or stocks depends on two criteria: Your risk tolerance […]