How to Start Blogging in Malaysia? (2023)

01 Jul, 2023 0 comments
Blogging in Malaysia

How to Start Blogging in Malaysia (2023)?

Are you ready to embark on a blogging journey in Malaysia? Starting a blog allows you to share your passion, knowledge, and unique perspective with a wide audience.

Whether you want to document your travels, delve into your favorite hobbies, or offer valuable insights on a specific topic, blogging provides a platform for self-expression and connection. In this condensed guide, I will share some tips about my experience and the essential steps to start blogging in Malaysia, helping you lay the foundation for a successful and fulfilling blogging journey.

From choosing your niche to building an engaged audience and monetizing your blog, let’s dive into the exciting world of Malaysian blogging together.

How to Start Blogging in Malaysia?
How to Start Blogging in Malaysia? SEO on Google Search Console

Finding Your Niche to Start Blogging in Malaysia

When you decide to dip your toes into the blogging waters, the first step is to identify your niche. Malaysia, with its rich cultural diversity, offers endless possibilities. From travel and food to fashion and technology, you can find your own unique voice and make your mark in the blogosphere.

The importance of finding a good niche cannot be overstated, especially when it comes to ranking in search engines like Google and driving traffic to your blog. A niche is a specific topic or area of interest that you choose to focus on in your blog. Here’s why it matters:

  1. Enhanced Visibility: By selecting a niche, you can optimize your content for relevant keywords, increasing your chances of ranking higher in search results. This boosts your blog’s visibility and attracts organic traffic from people interested in your niche.
  2. Targeted Audience: A well-defined niche helps you attract a specific audience with shared interests or needs. By catering to their specific preferences, you can create content that resonates deeply with them, leading to higher engagement and loyalty.
  3. Establishing Authority: Focusing on a niche allows you to establish yourself as an expert in that particular area. Consistently providing valuable content within your niche builds credibility and positions you as a go-to resource for your audience.

Examples of precise niches could include “Plant-Based Meal Prep for Busy Professionals,” “DIY Home Decor Using Recycled Materials,” or “Malaysian Street Food Adventures for Foodies.” These niches not only cater to specific interests but also attract readers looking for specialized information, thereby increasing the likelihood of ranking well in search engines and driving targeted traffic to your blog.

Which Platform to Start Blogging in Malaysia (2023)

Blogging has undergone a remarkable transformation, with bloggers embracing a wide array of platforms and channels to engage with their audience. Let’s take a closer look at the different types of blogs, ranging from traditional platforms to the dynamic world of TikTok and YouTube.

  1. Traditional Blogs: Traditional blogs, powered by platforms like WordPress and Blogger, remain a cornerstone of the blogging community. Bloggers can create long-form content, incorporate multimedia elements, and engage with readers through comments and discussions. Traditional blogs offer a versatile space for sharing in-depth thoughts, personal stories, and niche expertise.
  2. TikTok Microblogs: TikTok has become a dynamic platform for microblogging in Malaysia. Bloggers can create short and engaging videos, showcasing their creativity, talent, and expertise. TikTok’s algorithm-driven feed offers exposure to a wide audience, making it an attractive choice for bloggers aiming to captivate viewers with quick, entertaining content.
  3. YouTube Channels: YouTube has gained significant popularity among Malaysian bloggers as a platform for video blogging (vlogging). Bloggers can create diverse content, such as travel vlogs, beauty tutorials, and comedy skits, leveraging the visual medium to establish connections with a broad audience. YouTube provides ample opportunities for storytelling and engaging with viewers through comments, likes, and subscriptions.

Once you’ve found your niche, it’s time to set up your blogging platform. Malaysia has an abundance of user-friendly platforms to choose from. For traditional blogs, you have: WordPress, Blogger, and Wix are among the most popular options that offer customizable templates and handy plugins to enhance your blog’s functionality.

I personally use WordPress hosted by Hostinger. Hostinger is a company providing great services when it comes to hosting your blog or website. So far I never had an issue with it and they often have special discount on their offers.

Creating Content For Your Blog

Now that you have your blog up and running, it’s time to focus on creating compelling content that resonates with your readers. In Malaysia, the blogging community thrives on authentic storytelling, engaging visuals, and relatable experiences.

You can start sharing content about your niche. Remember, the more engaging your content, the more likely you are to captivate your readers’ attention!

Connecting with other Malaysians Bloggers

Blogging is not just about expressing yourself—it’s also about building connections within the community. In Malaysia, there are numerous blogging events, conferences, and meetups that provide opportunities to network with fellow bloggers, brands, and industry experts.

Engage in discussions, share tips and tricks, and collaborate with like-minded individuals who can help you grow your blog. Even if it looks complicated, you can start by reaching out to blogs with similar size than yours. Eventually, offer them to add a link on your blog and see if they can do the same.

How Much Can a Malaysian Blogger Earn (2023)?

Monetization is a significant aspect of blogging, and many Malaysian bloggers have successfully turned their passion into a profitable venture.

While the earning potential varies depending on factors such as niche, audience size, engagement, and monetization strategies, let’s explore some real-life examples to provide a glimpse into the potential income streams for Malaysian bloggers.

Sponsored Content and Brand Collaborations in Malaysia

Sponsored content is a common avenue for bloggers to earn income. Brands often partner with influential bloggers to promote their products or services.

Compensation for sponsored posts can range from a few hundred to several thousand Malaysian Ringgit (MYR), depending on the blogger’s reach and the scope of the collaboration. For instance, a popular travel blogger with a substantial following and a track record of engaging content might receive MYR 2,000 to MYR 5,000 for a single sponsored blog post.

Advertising Revenue in Malaysia

Advertising is another significant source of income for Malaysian bloggers. Displaying banner ads, using ad networks like Google AdSense, or partnering with direct advertisers can generate revenue based on the number of impressions or clicks.

For blogs with high traffic and engaged readers, advertising income can range from MYR 500 to MYR 5,000 per month or more, depending on the blog’s niche and audience demographics. According to my experience you will need dozen of thousands of visitors to start earning RM 500 and more. This is why it is important to find other ways to monetize your blog.

Affiliate Marketing in Malaysia

Affiliate marketing allows bloggers to earn a commission by promoting products or services and driving sales through unique referral links. For example, a fashion blogger endorsing a clothing brand might earn a percentage of each sale made through their affiliate link.

Commission rates vary, but Malaysian bloggers have reported earnings ranging from a few hundred to several thousand MYR per month through affiliate marketing, depending on the effectiveness of their promotional efforts.

Product Collaborations and Endorsements in Malaysia

As bloggers gain influence and credibility, they may be approached by brands for product collaborations or endorsements. This can include receiving free products or services in exchange for reviews, featuring sponsored products in blog posts or social media content, or becoming brand ambassadors.

The value of such collaborations varies depending on the brand’s reputation, the product’s worth, and the blogger’s reach and engagement. Earnings from product collaborations can range from MYR 500 to MYR 10,000 per collaboration, or even more for high-profile bloggers with a substantial following.

Speaking Engagements and Events in Malaysia

Established bloggers with expertise in their niche often get opportunities to speak at conferences, industry events, or workshops. These engagements not only contribute to a blogger’s reputation but can also bring in additional income.

Compensation for speaking engagements can vary significantly, ranging from a few hundred to several thousand MYR, depending on the event’s scale, the blogger’s expertise, and the expected audience turnout.

What is SEO and Why is it Important?

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is the practice of optimizing a website to improve its visibility and ranking in search engine results. It involves various strategies to make your website more appealing and relevant to search engines.

SEO is important because:

  1. Increased Visibility: SEO helps your website appear higher in search engine results, making it more visible to potential visitors.
  2. Targeted Traffic: By optimizing your website for specific keywords and phrases, you can attract visitors who are actively searching for what you offer, increasing the likelihood of conversions.
  3. Credibility and Trust: High search engine rankings signal credibility and trustworthiness to users, enhancing your brand’s reputation.
  4. Long-term Results: SEO provides long-term benefits, as your optimized website continues to attract organic traffic over time.

In summary, SEO is essential for improving visibility, attracting targeted traffic, building credibility, and achieving sustainable online success.


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